M.J.Hall is one of the longest-running surplus lines brokerage firms in the US. We represent 75+ insurance carriers and offer products covering the most typical to the most unique risks imaginable. M.J. Hall continues to approach transportation-focused carriers so we can offer the best coverages and pricing possible for your clients. Our market penetration, speed to market, and turnaround time are unmatched.
The basic operation contemplated by this classification is the machining of cold metal to the precise size and shape with or without assembly into some more complex and customized products. Material may be cut, drilled, punched, shaped, sheared, planed, ground, machined, welded, heat treated and/or otherwise tooled into the necessary size and shape.
Die Casting Mfg. - 52137
Drums or Container Mfg. - Metal - 52401
Foundries - 53425
Machine Shops - NOC - 97220
Machinery or Machinery Parts Mfg. (Heavy) - 56653
Machinery or Machinery Parts Mfg. (Light and Precision only) - 56653
Medical, Dental or Surgical Diagnostic or Treatment Machines or Devices Mfg. - 56808
Medical, Dental or Surgical Equipment or Supplies - Expendable - 56805
Medical, Dental or Surgical Equipment or Supplies - Non-Expendable - 56806
Medical, Dental or Surgical Instruments Mfg. - 56807
Metal Dealers or Distributors - Non Structural (Light and Precision only) - 15404
Metal Dealers or Distributors - Structural (Light and Precision only) - 15405
Metal Foil Mfg. - 56910
Metal Good Mfg. Stamping - Not Signs (Medium and Heavy only) - 56912
Metal Goods Mfg. - NOC (Medium and Heavy only) - 56911
Metal Goods Mfg. - NOC (Precision Products) - 56911
Metal Heat Processing -56913
Metal Works - Shop - Decorative or Artistic - 59914
Metal Works - Shop - Structural - Load Bearing (Heavy only) - 56915
Metal Works - Shop - Structural - Load Bearing (Light and Precision only) - 56915
Metal Works - Shop - Structural - Not Load Bearing (Light and Precision only) - 56916
Metal Works - Shop - Structural - Not Load Bearing (Light and Precision only) - 56916
Pattern Mfg. - Metal - 57808
Pipes or Tubes Mfg. - Metal - 58009
Plumbing Supplies Mfg. - 58095
Plumbing Supplies Mfg. - NOC - 58096
Sheet Metal Work - Shop Only - 58922
Tank Building or Mfg. - Metal - Not Pressurized - 59660
Tank Building or Mfg. - Metal - Pressurized - 59661
Wire Rope or Cable Mfg. - Metal - 59977